Featured Articles
0 out of 5
Longrich Power Bank
Longrich Power Bank 10500 mAh with double output.
You can comfortably charge your mobile phone up to 4-6 times to full capacity to extend your activity. Keep your mobile phone online with the Longrich Power Bank, never be disappointed or risk losing communications due to low battery.
- Durable
- Reliable For Android / iPhone
- 10500 mAh
- Portable
- 1 Power Bank
- 1 Cable USB Android 2.0 to Micro-B (cable standard)
28 000CFA25 000CFA -
0 out of 5
Kit Corps Clean Longrich
He understands :
- 1 White Tea Toothpaste used as a mask
- 1 body milk
- 1 Pack of 3 Bamboo Charcoal Soaps
- 1 Rejuvenating Lotion
The combined use of these products gives incredibly excellent results. They solve several problems, the most common of which are:
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- Kit Corps Clean Longrich
- …
0 out of 5
The business with Longrich is simply to decide to consume excellent quality products for our personal maintenance, and to recommend or give advice to those around us. In other words, it is a question of coming to the platform to choose your products that you are going to use (or sell if you want), then to encourage your entourage to come and choose theirs (given that the needs are varied) that they will also consume and the company undertakes to pay us without counting the advantages that go with it.
By subscribing to this pack, you receive:
All the products of a Starter pack and…
Other products of your choice corresponding to the remaining amount.
Bonuses attached to this pack:
Referral bonus
Performance bonus: 8%
Development bonus: 10%
Retail bonus
And many other benefits...
0 out of 5
Are you looking for high-end products for your skin?
Des produits qui vont vous nettoyer, poncer et élever au rang des peaux des star⁉💁🏽.
Longrich's Evergreen range is what you need.
💠 Illumine la peau
💠 Éclairci naturellement la peau, sans laisser d’imperfections (quinto)
💠 Hydrate intensément la peau
💠 Recommandé pour les peaux sensibles
Very dry skin, oily skin, acne-prone skin
💠 Traite les cernes et les contours des yeux.
💠 Rajeunit la peau à partir de ses propriétés anti-oxydantes
💠 Raffermit la peau et lui donne nouvelle jeunesse
💠 Anti acnés
💠 Régule la sécrétion des sébum et graisses sur le visages
💠 Débarrasse les cellules mortes. Active et nourrit de nouvelles cellules
💠 Lutte contre dermatites atopiques ( desquamation de la peau, peau très dure ou rugueuse)
💠 Estompe les tâches brunes
💠 Uniformise et régularisé le teint
💠 Contre les boutons
💠 Affine le grain de peau
NB: the care provided by this range is similar to new skin, baby skin, American skin160 000CFA150 000CFA -
0 out of 5
The business with Longrich is simply to decide to consume excellent quality products for our personal maintenance, and to recommend or give advice to those around us. In other words, it is a question of coming to the platform to choose your products that you are going to use (or sell if you want), then to encourage your entourage to come and choose theirs (given that the needs are varied) that they will also consume and the company undertakes to pay us without counting the advantages that go with it.
By subscribing to this pack, you receive:
A SOD body milk
A 200g white tea toothpaste
Two Restorative Hand Creams
Bamboo charcoal soap
A mosquito repellent spray
Bonuses attached to this pack:
Referral bonus
Retail bonus
And many other benefits...
0 out of 5
The business with Longrich is simply to decide to consume excellent quality products for our personal maintenance, and to recommend or give advice to those around us. In other words, it is a question of coming to the platform to choose your products that you are going to use (or sell if you want), then to encourage your entourage to come and choose theirs (given that the needs are varied) that they will also consume and the company undertakes to pay us without counting the advantages that go with it.
By subscribing to this pack, you receive:
All the products of a Starter pack and…
Other products of your choice corresponding to the remaining amount.
Bonuses attached to this pack:
Referral bonus
Performance bonus: 10%
Development bonus: 10%
Retail bonus
And many other benefits...
0 out of 5
Kit Minceur Longrich
- 1 Kit Minceur Longrich which will cleanse all toxins and burn all fat
- 1 Kit Minceur Longrich which must be used after GREEN tea for an effective Slimming result
- Kit Minceur Longrich: 10 Sachets / Tea
0 out of 5
Longrich Concrete Articulation Kit
It includes: arthro and Calcium which are an incredible fusion against joint pain
- 1 Arthro SupReviver 60 Tablets
- Longrich Concrete Articulation Kit
- For the treatment of osteoporosis as a dietary supplement
- Help generate cartilage, inhibits inflammatory effects and is a derivative of cellular glucose metabolism
- Longrich Concrete Articulation Kit
- It is an effective treatment against pimples on the skin of the elderly and acnes
- It is an effective treatment against pimples on the skin of the elderly and acnes
- 1 Calcium 100 Tablets
- It is an important source of calcium
- Enriched with magnesium, zinc and iron
- Helps cure insomnia and anemia
- It is an effective treatment against pimples on the skin of the elderly and acnes
- Protects against various forms of prostate cancer and dysfunction (highly recommended for men over 35)
- It is an effective treatment against pimples on the skin of the elderly and acnes
- It also treats body aches such as osteoarthritis
- It is indicated for children (at least 4 years old) for their growth
- It also treats aches such as osteoarthritis
- Calcium: 1 tablet morning, noon, evening
- Arthro: 3 tablets morning and evening
- 1 Arthro SupReviver 60 Tablets
0 out of 5
The business with Longrich is simply to decide to consume excellent quality products for our personal maintenance, and to recommend or give advice to those around us. In other words, it is a question of coming to the platform to choose your products that you are going to use (or sell if you want), then to encourage your entourage to come and choose theirs (given that the needs are varied) that they will also consume and the company undertakes to pay us without counting the advantages that go with it.
By subscribing to this pack, you receive:
All the products of a Starter pack and…
Other products of your choice corresponding to the remaining amount.
Bonuses attached to this pack:
Referral bonus
Performance bonus: 12%
Development bonus: 10%
Retail bonus
And many other benefits...
0 out of 5
Longrich Baby Kit
He understands :
- 1 Longrich Baby Shower Gel and Shampoo
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- 1 Longrich Baby Body Milk
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Longrich Baby Kit
- 1 Longrich Baby Powder
- Made with natural corn extract
- Longrich Baby Kit
- Lightly scented and can absorb excess water on the body when gently applied to the body.
- Lightly scented and can absorb excess water on the body when gently applied to the body
- Lightly scented and can absorb excess water on the body when gently applied to the body
- 1 Pack Longrich Baby Diaper
- 1 Longrich Baby Shower Gel and Shampoo
0 out of 5
Fertility Kit
Based on natural elements, this combined kit is a powerful remedy for people suffering from intimate problems.
- Solves infertility problems in women, vaginal infections,…
- Solves infertility problems in men, premature ejaculation,…
- Cleans the blood and promotes good blood circulation
- Strengthen the System
0 out of 5
The business with Longrich is simply to decide to consume excellent quality products for our personal maintenance, and to recommend or give advice to those around us. In other words, it is a question of coming to the platform to choose your products that you are going to use (or sell if you want), then to encourage your entourage to come and choose theirs (given that the needs are varied) that they will also consume and the company undertakes to pay us without counting the advantages that go with it.
By subscribing to this pack, you receive:
All the products of a Starter pack and…
Other products of your choice corresponding to the remaining amount.
Bonuses attached to this pack:
Referral bonus
Performance bonus: 8%
Retail bonus
And many other benefits...