Health care

  • 0 out of 5

    Kit Corps Clean Longrich

    He understands :

    • 1 White Tea Toothpaste used as a mask
    • 1 body milk
    • 1 Pack of 3 Bamboo Charcoal Soaps
    • 1 Rejuvenating Lotion

    The combined use of these products gives incredibly excellent results. They solve several problems, the most common of which are:

    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    • Kit Corps Clean Longrich
    22 500CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Fertility Kit

    Based on natural elements, this combined kit is a powerful remedy for people suffering from intimate problems.

    • Solves infertility problems in women, vaginal infections,…
    • Solves infertility problems in men, premature ejaculation,…
    • Cleans the blood and promotes good blood circulation
    • Strengthen the System
    99 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Kit Minceur Longrich

    • 1 Kit Minceur Longrich which will cleanse all toxins and burn all fat
    • 1 Kit Minceur Longrich which must be used after GREEN tea for an effective Slimming result
    • Kit Minceur Longrich: 10 Sachets / Tea
    15 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Mosquito spray

    • It is a solution that keeps the skin rich, slows down its aging and makes it smooth, tender and more supple., its glycerin content makes it suitable for the treatment of atomic dermatitis.
    • slows down its aging and makes it smooth in infants after wearing diapers.
    • It protects the skin against infections, irritation, has anti-inflammatory properties, makes your skin more hydrating and promotes the repair of damaged tissues (depigmentation, burns), makes the skin more resistant and provides an emollient sensation.
    5 500CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Libao (male fertility supplement)


    • Increase sexual performance/lifestyle
    • Improves sperm count.
    • Adjust immunity.
    • Eliminate fatigue.
    • Suitable for men with low immunity and easily tiring.
    • Stiffness, eg arthritis.
    • Penetrates the bone to expel pathogenic wind.
    • Helps treat Down syndrome
    • Useful for reducing corneal nebula, eye skin.
    • Can be used to treat epilepsy and there paralysis and is the essential material for wind arthralgias, convulsions, scabies and malignant scabies as it travels everywhere, outwards to the skin and inwards to the viscera.
    • For arthralgia and hypertension.
    • It can effectively improve the body's Duozhong immune factors.
    ** Efficiency rate is 92%.
    Perfect for the treatment of impotence in combination with two other supplements.
    NB: Not suitable for children and women
    30 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Longrich vitamin drink

    Composed of Cordyceps, it is used in the treatment of a wide range of infections caused by bacteria such as tuberculosis, staph etc.

    – It increases the oxygen supply to the brain.

    – It improves mental abilities and tones the kidneys by improving kidney functions, which helps reduce the damage caused by toxic substances on the kidneys.
    – It is effective against cancerous tumors.

    – It improves blood quality by promoting the production of blood serum immunoglobulin.

    – It improves eyesight and delays old age.
    – It strengthens the immune system and protects the lungs against infections.

    – It improves memory and brain health.

    – It strengthens the anti-stress capacities of the body.

    – It softens the skin and makes it radiant.
    It is a powerful natural antibiotic.

    – It is indicated in the treatment against blood pressure and diabetes by controlling blood sugar. Even relieves HIV patients.
    – It is used naturally to cure impotence and to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides and atherosclerosis.

    2 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Rejuvenating body lotion

    Formulated with Snake Collagen, Replenishing Body Lotion helps to:

    • Soften rough skin
    • Creates a protective barrier on the surface of the skin to retain moisture
    • Repairs skin damaged by bad stripping products.
    • Make the skin always moist, smooth and soft
    5 250CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    White tea toothpaste 100g


    • Rich in polyphenols and anthocyanins extracted from red pomegranate.
    • Provides the skin with more nutrients, vitality, radiance and finesse.
    • It contains diverse minerals that give dry skin a radiant look and a fresh, invigorating glow.
    • Clean and dry your face, apply the mask on your face, wear it for about 15 minutes and remove it
    • Gently pat your face to promote nutrient absorption
    12 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    White tea toothpaste 100g

    Fertility supplement for women, It improves eyesight and combats senility. It is effective against skin diseases and osteoarthritis. It may be effective in the treatment of epilepsy and hypertension.

    It provides amino acids, saccharides, VIT B and a variety of minerals including calcium, zinc, iron, strontium, copper, selenium, silicon and titanium.

    It regulates the production of melanin which helps clear up spots and makes the skin even.

    It can take care of hormonal changes caused by liver disease or contraceptive use.

    It improves hormonal imbalance (especially during menopause)
    It improves female fertility problems.
    It can help tighten loose stomach skin in women who have given birth.

    It detoxifies the system, purifies, cleans, rejuvenates the skin and treats insomnia.

    NB : Suitable for people with chloasma

    Forbidden to children and men.

    Dosage: 2 tablets twice a day

    30 000CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    NutriVRich Nutritious Drink

    • Low calorie organic food without added fat.
    • Relieves fatigue, stress, improves the ability to concentrate and the body to concentrate and the immune system of the body.
    • Helps prevent all forms of cancer, diabetes, obesity, and habitual constipation, relieve symptoms of sickness and 10 other types of diseases in adults.
    • Convenient food supplement.
    • Good for patients with low blood pressure.
    • Promotes weight loss due to its high fiber content and maintains healthy bowel function.
    • Helps reduce the risk of stroke.
    • Helps purify the blood and detoxify the blood.
    112 500CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    Pack of 3 bamboo charcoal soaps

    Enjoy a good life today! Use the natural essence of bamboo soap for better skin.

    Made from refined bamboo charcoal, this natural soap absorbs dirt and removes excessive grease from the skin.

    It does not darken the complexion and maintains its original color.

    Its natural cleansing ingredients make the skin smooth.

    Il effectively fights against itching, pimples and acne.

    Il rid the body of tasks, from stretch marks and regenerates the epidermis.

    7 500CFA
  • 0 out of 5

    pack of superbklean sanitary napkins and panty liners


    The Longrich medical sanitary napkin is effective for an intimate and very comfortable good.

    It is an innovative health product that takes care of every female vaginal and menstrual discomfort.

    Pure cotton, the Superbklean sanitary napkin eliminates period pain, more than 99% of bacteria and cures infections. Hyper-absorbent, this towel is suitable for all women in particular, those who have just given birth or who have had a miscarriage since it helps get rid of bad blood and impurities from the body.

    It relieves the following problems:
    White discharge
    Painful periods
    Vaginal odors and discomfort

    The Superbklean sanitary napkin contains an energy band (green color) which give it the following qualities:

    L’anion which eliminates bacteria by preventing bad blood (menstruation) from forming aerobic bacteria in the vagina;

    Far infrared or light of life, which activates normal blood circulation;

    The biomagnetism which promotes the magnetism of the body by expelling toxic waste out of the body.

    Note: Do not use in pregnant women. .

    Pack includes 19 packets

    4 packets for use at night or heavy flow (suitable for beginners) – Violet
    7 packs for daytime use (or normal use) – Bleu
    2 packets for mini flux (recommended at the end of menstruation) – Rose
    6 packs of panty protectors – Vert
    Bonus 1 Pack of Infection Test

    62 000CFA